Monday, June 27, 2011

Waiting...Waiting...Waiting...the most chaotic closing known to man

Here we are...the first posting for my new blog!!! As you can see, this blog is all about our home buying/rennovation adventures....our family is one of those families that stuff just happens to so I see the potential for a book SOMEWHERE in all this madness and decided why not document our expeirences :).

So that brings us back to the first posting, the move in from hell. To give you all some background info, the last 60 days have been hellacious....we have been renting a house and the woman who owns it lost her job in Arizona and has to move back to Oregon so that means we had to move out. The rental company gave us 60 days notice at which point my husband and I decided we would go a head and buy a house since the market is a 'buyers' market. What we didn't know is that apparently it takes 90 days to close on a house according to our real estate agent.

In April we started frantically looking for a house to buy which suprisingly went fairly smooth....we figured the whole closing thing would be a cake walk too since we were already preapproved etc. Well let me just took a little longer than expected .Our deadline for 'rental eviction' was June 13th at 5:00 pm....we were supposed to close on the house May 25th so we thought we had plenty of time.

Oh and did I mention both my husband and I work for a high school and are heavily involved with graduation....oh and our adoptive son is a senior who is graduating from the same school we work at?? Graduation was June 10th and the last day of school for all underclassmen was June 15th. So let's just say this time of year is almost worse than the first week or two of school.

Our loan officer and real estate agent were confident we would sign on May 25th so we both took off work from May 25th to May 30th....we should have known that moving over the long holiday weekend would have been too easy. When May 30th came and went with no signing we started to panic...I guess the appraiser didn't get some document in to the loan officer so that was the first hold up. We were then told we would be signing on June 10th....ya graduation day. Well then June 10th came and went. Apparently this time the seller (Dept of Vet Affairs) couldn't get their act together with the paperwork. We made it through graduation with relatively few problems....and watched Luis graduate so that we good :).

Then the closing date was moved to June 13th...the same day we were supposed to be out of our rental. June 13th came and signing, no keys. We convinced our landlord to let us stay one more night but we all had to sleep on the floor, all that was missing was the campfire!! So June 14th came and we signed papers at 8:00 in the morning and they told us we would have keys at 4:00 pm that day so we went back to the rental and finished loading our stuff (thank GOD I took somemore vacation time). Well then 4:00 came and keys. We called our real estate agent and she said for some reason the seller still needed to sign the final papers and didn't get to it before the loan recording cut off....all of a sudden we found ourselves homeless!!!

At 4:30 we were frantically calling our vet to see if we could board our two dogs and calling my mom to see if we could spend the night with her on her couch/floor. Our real estate agent assured me that Wed at 4:00 we would have keys in our hot little hands. We were able to board our dogs and stay at my mom's house and we called the U-Haul company to see if we could keep the truck one more day which they agreed to do.

Oh and did I also mention that my husband's parents decided at the last minute that they wanted to come for a visit on Wed June 15th???? We said ok because we figured that we would be all moved in no problem....well that was CLEARLY not happening!! So in the middle of all the graduation, having a graduating senior, end of the school year, and trying to buy our first home....we are going to have company to entertain right away!!

So Wed June 15th comes and we wait....ALL DAY LONG for keys.....4:00 comes and keys. Now all of a sudden we are homeless, have family in town, two dogs in 'doggie jail', and then the U-Haul place is calling wanting to know if we hijacked their truck!!!! We had to put Sam's parents up in a hotel which cost us $100 and beg the U-Haul place to let us keep the truck which they again agreeded to but only until Thurs because they only had one big one (which we had) and they thought it would be back in time so they already rented it to someone else who was supposed to pick it up Fri morning.

Again our rela estate agent swears we will have the Thurs afternoon. Well I woke up Thurs morning and had a complete melt now all 3 of us have been sleeping on the floor and at my mom's house (with her 3 cats that I'm allergic to) and my sister is moving home so we needed to be out of her house ASAP....the vet doesn't have room to keep the dogs for another day, the U-Haul place won't let us keep the truck any longer, and my inlaw's hotel is full for Thurs night so we HAD to have a place to sleep by Thurs night at 4:00 and it didn't sound like anyone was really doing a whole lot of anything with the keys situation.

So I finally talked to my real estate agent in the morning on Thurs and explained to her the situation for the millionth time. She said the hold up was the asset manager at B of A.....apparently he didn't know how to update his software for his computer and without the software update he couldn't view the final closing documents properly so he thought he would just do the software download 'sometime' in the next week or two which meant we wouldn't ACTUALLY 'close' until sometime late June or July. As you can imagine I went into panic mode, so what did I do....well like any child, I called my mommy and cried my eyeballs out!! :)

So what does my mommy do....she goes into 'mama bear' mode....let's just say I can never show my face in public again!!! She called everyone at B of A, the title company, our real estate agent, the asset manager....EVERYONE and terrorized the crap out of them!!! Think phrases like 'is this the customer service model you had in mind when you formed your company'.....ya things like that. Apparently it worked though because at 4:00 we had keys!!!!

As soon as we got the green light for keys, things got REALLY interesting (more coming soon). We picked up the doggies from 'doggie jail' which was $100 a day.....unloaded the truck (see the next posting for more juicy deatils) which they charged us and extra $250 for, on top of the $150 it was to rent....and we moved into our house, inlaws and new graduate in all!!!

So over all with hotel rooms, extra truck costs, and doggie cost us about $1000.00 to be homeless for a few days.....who would have thought that being homeless might actually COST money?!?!?!?!

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